

1440TIME is the prototype for a new era of timekeeping, transcending the antiquated hour-based system prevalent today. While traditional systems tell time, 1440TIME measures it!"

Dive into the future of horology with 1440TIME. While the world ticks by in an outdated hour fashion. We've pioneered a realm where working inside the hour is source code. Using minutes to process time for our new AI world in conjunction with The 1440 Power System, helps paint a vivid tapestry of the day's potential and span of it.

"Unlock the Potential of Every Minute: Introducing 1440TIME"

Where Every Minute Matters.

"Welcome to the future of time management — 1440TIME. Every day we are gifted with 1440 minutes: a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be unlocked and maximized. Imagine a world where every minute is a vessel of potential, unbound by the conventional structures of hours and days. Here, we introduce you to a paradigm-shifting approach where each of those minutes is acknowledged, respected, and utilized to elevate your life's quality, productivity, and fulfillment. Transcend beyond traditional timekeeping and embark on a game-changing journey where every minute becomes the key to unlocking your untapped potentials, achieving goals, and crafting a balanced, purposeful life. Welcome to 1440Time — where every minute is your canvas, and you hold the brush to paint your day with intentionality and mastery."


Display Millisecond


Display Minute

 Minute's Potential

Experience Time in a New Light with 1440TIME...

 Redefining How You See and Seize Time 

Unveiling Each Minute's Potential. By dissecting your day into 1,440 minutes, the app prompts you to embrace time's fluidity. This mindful perspective amplifies present moment awareness, empowering task prioritization and the extraction of maximum value from every passing minute. Through this strategic method, 1440TIME reshapes your perception of time, expanding it purposefully for enhanced achievements and cherished moments."



Where Time Slows Down and Expands.

Experience Time in a New Light with 1440TIME: Unveiling Each Minute's Potential. By dissecting your day into 1,440 minutes, the app prompts you to embrace time's fluidity. This mindful perspective amplifies present-moment awareness, empow...More

Experience Time in a New Light with 1440TIME: Unveiling Each Minute's Potential. By dissecting your day into 1,440 minutes, the app prompts you to embrace time's fluidity. This mindful perspective amplifies present-moment awareness, empowering task prioritization and the extraction of maximum value from every passing minute. Through this strategic method, 1440TIME reshapes your perception of time, expanding it purposefully for enhanced achievements and cherished moments.

Flash of Genius...

Flash of Genius...

Think Differently ? The future of Time is here now...

Most great achievements are made through a combination of steady application and sudden insight.

The 80/20 Principle Richard Koch

Sudden Insight

The Missing Piece is Here!!

"Quantum Time Perception" A Modern Twist on Ancient Wisdom using minutes "counting down" . 

1440TIME is Source Code.

Anticipate reaping these benefits shortly after adopting it:

Hyper-Focused Efficiency: Embrace the urgency of 1,440 minutes to accomplish tasks with heightened focus and optimal efficiency, maximizing your productivity.

Mindful Time Mastery: By dissecting your day, you'll cultivate mindfulness, making each moment count and preventing time from slipping away unnoticed.

Strategic Task Prioritization: Break down your schedule into manageable units to prioritize tasks effectively, ensuring that essential activities take precedence.

Progressive Goal Achievement: Leverage each minute to work consistently toward your goals, fostering a sense of achievement and steady progress over time.

Present-Centric Living: Harness the power of real-time awareness to live in the present, reducing stress and enhancing the quality of your experiences.

You can expect to experience the following benefits soon after using it:

"Time perception slows down and expands, allowing for a richer experience of each moment."

"Stress stemming from time-related concerns diminishes."

"Time transforms into a tangible, measurable, and leveraged resource."

"Enhanced focus on your current tasks."

"Achieve more in less time."

"Heightened awareness of the present moment."

"Ultimately, 1440TIMEempowers you to master your time, achieve your goals, and embrace the present moment, enabling you to navigate the demands of our modern world with purpose and efficiency."

1440TIME™ accelerates our internal clock without affecting the external one. This shift in time perception creates a cognitive illusion that the world around us is operating at a more deliberate pace. It's akin to a temporal illusion—a trick of the mind, yet an incredibly potent tool designed for today's hyper-connected world."

For years, I've strategically employed this shift in time perception to my advantage within my tax business, expertly harnessing it to maximize efficiency. The tax season, encompassing just 100,000 minutes from January 25th to April 15th underscores every moment's importance. Recently, I introduced my patented Minute Countdown Clock system to my H&R BLOCK franchise. This subtle yet remarkably potent adjustment in how time is perceived affords me the opportunity to prepare more individual tax returns than an astounding 99.999% of the 70,000 tax professionals within the H&R BLOCK organization.

My accomplishments serve as a testament: a remarkable six-year streak as the recipient of the prestigious Top 100 Franchise award and the honor of Rookie of the Year in my initial year. The superiority of my 1440TIME™ system over other tax preparers is palpable, supported by unwavering numerical evidence. While others navigate their tasks in terms of hours, my mindset revolves around the minutes remaining in the 100,000-minute countdown to April 15th. This unique perspective is a defining edge.

Control the Clock... Control the Game

'Time equals money,' as the saying goes, and I wholeheartedly embrace all 100,000 deliberate minutes during the tax season to fully realize the power of this fundamental equation!'

"Please be clear that 1440TIME™ stands apart from any other time management system. There is no room for confusion."

"Modern time management systems do possess certain merits. However, the challenge lies in their continued reliance on conventional clock time—an antiquated measure from centuries ago— to regulate and track time in our technologically advanced world today! To put this into context, it's akin to persistently utilizing a 56k dial-up speed for internet browsing in the current era!"

We need a new "standard" for "clock time" for our modern world! After all, it is 2024!

"1440TIME™ represents a profound shift in how the brain interprets clock time. It quantifies each day as consisting of 1,440 bits, units, tics, or minutes, rather than adhering to the traditional 24-hour—or even the less effective 12-hour—framework. This pioneering shift in perspective acts as a new 'source code,' if you will. Consequently, the perception of daily time now expands 6,000% to 12,000%, ushering in a heightened perceptual reality, of course..."

1440TIME™ is 5G speed...
Tokens Left In 2024
magic of 1440 time

To enjoy the Magic... please first calibrate to 1440TIME™!

What do I mean by 'calibrating'? At the most fundamental level of our existence, we measure time in hours, minutes, and seconds. In high-stakes environments like sports and the Olympics, milliseconds (1/1000th of a second) become crucial for determining winners, especially with significant monetary implications. As competition intensifies, it's plausible that we'll soon require microsecond precision to break ties. This might seem like a far-fetched prediction, but it aligns with my anticipation of the rising significance of '1440TIME' in our rapidly evolving AI-driven world.

Your smartphone will work for the calibration process, but your desktop, laptop, or iPad will give a bigger view.

Calibrating to 1440TIME™

Welcome to my world? So slow, and so much time...

After all these years of trying to explain 1440TIME™ to friends, family, tax clients, or just about anyone else, I now know that unless you go through the calibration process you'll have a tough time seeing passed the standard clock-time daze. After all, the clock is the clock. We can't change it... or can we?

What do I mean by 'calibrating'? At the most fundamental level of our existence, we measure time in hours, minutes, and seconds. In high-stakes environments like sports and the Olympics, milliseconds (1/1000th of a second) become crucial for determining winners, especially with significant monetary implications. As competition intensifies, it's plausible that we'll soon require microsecond precision to break ties. This might seem like a far-fetched prediction, but it aligns with my anticipation of the rising significance of '1440TIME' in our rapidly evolving AI-driven world.

Next, you will see 1440TIME in a longer time frame.

Calibrating to 1440TIME™
Same TiMe just "measured" a bit differently

Same TiMe just "measured" a bit differently

Did you say just differrently?

Didn't Socrates say "Time is a measurement of change"?

That Socrates was really on to something over 2000 years ago. You think?

Let's move on to the US Patent below.

Minute Countdown Clock?

March 14, 2017 US PATENT NO. 9,594,352

1440TIME™ is a Minute Countdown Clock that depicts the 24-hour day in terms of the number of remaining minutes, rather than in the standard 12-hour cycle that tells you what time it is using in two separate cycles. The 1440TIME™ model breaks time into smaller increments in order to reprogram individuals' concepts and perceptions of the passing time. To facilitate motivation to accomplish more goals, and take ownership of your time, which is your life after all. Furthermore, the constant countdown creates a sense of urgency by helping people recognize that time is valuable and is lost once it passes.

This invention takes a holistic approach to improve the way users view time much like how farmers view their day from sunup to sundown. This setup encourages individuals to see time in a more organic fashion, rather than as a relatively small number of discrete units (24 hours) because the entire day is laid out before an individual as 1,440 units instead of the 1-12 twice-a-day standard.

With the pace of our modern world, when the day is only broken into the 1-12 repeat time unit format, individuals often feel that they do not have time to complete a given task or do not use all of their time efficiently, because they do not adequately account for the fractional values of the hours (minutes) left (1/60). Furthermore, the fact that 1440TIME™ counts down from a set value, rather than systematically aggregating time, gives individuals a sense of urgency because they can recognize that time is valuable as it is constantly being lost by the minute.

US Patent
Minute Countdown Clock?

What is a patent? A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.

1440TIME™ tackles both!

Are You Ready for the 1440TIME Experience?

are you ready image


More Time for the Smarter Mind

Ever observed the amplified details when peering through a magnifying glass? I've applied that same scrutiny to our conventional clock, and the revelations might just astonish you!

While some argue that time is a mere construct or even an illusion, the majority still a...More

While some argue that time is a mere construct or even an illusion, the majority still abide by its measures daily. Subconsciously, many are anchored to the Gregorian clock and calendar system established in 1582. Embracing 1440TIME™, like mastering any skill, requires time and effort. But crucially, we must first recognize that our prevailing timekeeping systems, by design, profoundly influence our thinking and behavior.


Smile... it's Friday 5:00 pm somewhere...

Let's continue...

"Physical time is unyielding; it operates uniformly for everyone. Yet, while time itself remains constant, our perception of it varies. Is this perception reality? Not necessarily, but it is a choice—and like time, each person experiences it uniquely."

 image Let's continue.
 You're crazy!!

You're crazy!!

What the heck are you looking at!?

Ankhana Sofia
1440 time

Artisanal Beverages

Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking i...More

Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to error in perception. If you can change your perception, you can change your emotion and this can lead to new ideas. --Edward de Bono


Standard Time Backward Thinking

Is this how time feels these days? Jus...More

Is this how time feels these days? Just about everyone I have asked for the last fifteen years thinks so! Even the 20% (those with money) feel the pressure of time moving quicker and quicker by the year! I once felt that way too, until I discovered something unexpected and it has changed my life and will yours too!


1440TIME™ challenges the embedded stan...More

1440TIME™ challenges the embedded standard clock-time thinking, which is all we know! It is a simple fix, and with just a slight change of perception, you too can add 6,000% or more perceptional time to each of your days!


"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception". - Aldous Huxley


1440TIME™ Foward Thinking


What is 1440TIME™?

1440TIME™ revitalizes an ancient timekeeping method for the modern age. Think of it as the digital successor to the age-old sundial, a tool that's spanned millennia. Yet, unlike its predecessor, 1440TIME doesn't rest when the sun goes down. Observe the 1440TIME display set at 6:00 A.M. EST – a digital homage to the sundial. This patented innovation reshapes our relationship with time. Instead of merely indicating "what time it is" through the repetitive 12-hour cycles we've grown accustomed to, it counts down the remaining minutes in our day. It's a refreshing pivot away from the traditional 12/12 format and addresses the core of the time dilemma in today's fast-paced world.

Slow-Time can be yours too...

Think 1440

Consider observing a sundial's shadow for a full hour. How drawn out might that seem? Now, envision using that perception throughout each day. Intriguing, isn't it? Embrace Think1440!

Life is slower than you think!

Perception or Reality? Does it matter? And who cares?

Sunshine and shadow
time wth boy
Time Inside a Matrix?

Time Inside a Matrix?

Chapter 3

Time, what is it? Time is nothing more than a word in our minds! As soon as we think the word, up pops an association with a place we have to be, an appointment we have to keep, or something we have to do. Maybe we get a flash of it from old photos and songs from the past—“the good ol’ days.” Or perhaps the word calls to mind the lines on our faces, the upcoming wedding of a daughter or son, or a vacation we can’t wait for in the spring.

It's time to Break-Free from standard clock thinking and Think1440...

When You Control the Clock... You can Control the Game

1440TIME™ breaks the hold! It sets you free from a lifetime of "standard clock logic" and awakens the mind, as time will expand, slow, and keeps you in the now, allowing for a true time-experience to emerge all day and every day. Join the first true TIME Revolution! Control the clock... control the game!

"You must unlearn what you have learned"- Yoda

standard clock logic
Did Farmers need a clock

Did Farmers need a clock

to tell them what time work started or ended? Did the word Tuesday or Saturday make a difference in how hard they worked the land to harvest the crop?

The sun’s natural daily rise and decline was their clock. It became a visible and tangible timeline naturally creating that "sense of urgency" every day. 1440TIME™ uses the same natural time flow by using minutes declining throughout the day until midnight when the 1,440-minute countdown starts all over again. This simple change in the way time is processed and viewed creates that same visible and tangible timeline, which the sun did for the farmer! Time becomes real and not some abstract number on a circular sphere twice a day! In turn, a small dose of that "sense of urgency" is created naturally from within! Each day's worth of time becomes measurable and leverage-able, and all days are weighted equally on the 1440 scale!

A Tuesday or Saturday makes no difference for those who have a harvest waiting to be gathered!

After thousands of years of human conditioning, the mind still shuts down subconsciously after the sun sets for most, hence why the human potential of today has not kept pace, and is far behind our technological achievements! Soon, the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI will be here, connecting all types of devices, vehicles, home appliances, and anything that can be connected will be connected, all exchanging data in seconds. Ultimately, this advancement in technology will enable people to save and have more time to do things! Now imagine loT combined with 1440TIME™. There would be so much more time to do things and more in less time! The Time of Things (ToT)

"Before the reward, there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy." - Ralph Ransom
Google Patents No. 9,594,352
We do more with a deadline!

We do more with a deadline!

A Sence of Urgency is a good thing?

Countdown time clocks are used everywhere today in our modern society, especially in advertising! Why? It creates that urgency state of mind! Hurry this is a limited time offer!!


“By breaking one day down into 1,440 fractal units or minutes, our perception expands. Traditionally, we view a day as 12 hours that repeat. However, in 1440Time, one hour equals 60 minutes. This shift increases granularity by 24 times, providing a perceptual expansion of 2,400%. Once ou...More

“By breaking one day down into 1,440 fractal units or minutes, our perception expands. Traditionally, we view a day as 12 hours that repeat. However, in 1440Time, one hour equals 60 minutes. This shift increases granularity by 24 times, providing a perceptual expansion of 2,400%. Once our brain adapts, all 60 minutes become active and valuable.”


The standard clock has become an albatross, preventing people from becoming more than they could be! It has become the excuse for why we haven't or couldn't! It has the years seemingly flying by faster and faster by! It always has us chasing and serving it!

Think outside box

It's time to

Think Outside the Clock™

and retire that old clock to the history books... where it belongs!

What do you have to lose TIME?

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs

*Warning...1440TIME™ (a minute based countdown clock system) may not be for everyone, even though for anyone! In short; the movers and shakers, or those individuals who have goals with timelines attached for completion will benefit most. Why? Think about it...? If there are no goals, then no timelines are needed, and there is nothing to countdown to? Therefore "no sense of urgency," and the "secret sauce" built into 1440TIME™ (the countdown of daily minutes left in the day) is rendered useless! Life becomes just another week of work, another holiday, another weekend off, and another year that has past by mush to quickly!

A deadline keeps you inline after all!
secret sauce

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